Take care: This article is maybe outdated or at least a bit neglected. It hasn't been updated for a while.

Install October CMS on fortrabbit

October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS based on the Laravel PHP framework. Learn how to install and use it on fortrabbit.

Get ready

We assume you've already created an App with fortrabbit which has the MySQL, Memcache Components enabled - optionally also the Worker Component. You should also have a PHP development environment running on your local machine. You also need a local October installation. You can either use an existing one or start from scratch.

Root path

In the Dashboard: Set the root path of your App's domains to public.

Change the root path for App URL of App: {{app-name}}

ENV var

In the Dashboard: create this new environment variable:


Go to ENV vars for the App: {{app-name}}

App secrets

In the Dashboard: add this App secret:


Go to App secrets vars for the App: {{app-name}}


If you have a running local installation you can skip this step. Otherwise continue by executing locally:

$ composer create-project october/october --prefer-dist {{app-name}} dev-master

Create a new file config/dev/database.php with the following contents:

return [
    'default' => 'mysql',
    'connections' => [
        'mysql' => [
            'driver'    => 'mysql',
            'host'      => 'localhost',
            'port'      => '',
            'database'  => 'your-local-database-name',
            'username'  => 'your-local-database-user',
            'password'  => 'your-local-database-password',
            'charset'   => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix'    => '',

To create the local database contents finish with:

$ php artisan october:up --env=dev


Create a the database configuration file in config/prod/database.php with the following contents:

$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);

return [
    'default' => 'mysql',
    'connections' => [
        'mysql' => [
            'driver'    => 'mysql',
            'host'      => $secrets['MYSQL']['HOST'],
            'port'      => $secrets['MYSQL']['PORT'],
            'database'  => $secrets['MYSQL']['DATABASE'],
            'username'  => $secrets['MYSQL']['USER'],
            'password'  => $secrets['MYSQL']['PASSWORD'],
            'charset'   => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix'    => '',

App settings

Create a new file config/prod/app.php with the following contents:

$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);

return [
    'key' => $secrets['CUSTOM']['APP_KEY'],
    'log' => 'errorlog'


Cache & session settings: If you plan on running your App in a production PHP plan then you need a shared accessible cache, which Memcache is, since those plans run your App on multiple Nodes. If you are just tinkering, then you can skip this topic for now.

First make sure the sessions are using your Memcache component by creating the file config/prod/session.php with the following content:

return [
    'driver' => 'memcached'

Now you need to configure the memcached driver, which is the used for session and caching alike, by creating config/prod/cache.php containing:

$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);

$servers = [
    ['host' => $secrets['MEMCACHE']['HOST1'], 'port' => $secrets['MEMCACHE']['PORT1'], 'weight' => 100]
if (isset($servers['MEMCACHE']['HOST2'])) {
    $servers []= ['host' => $secrets['MEMCACHE']['HOST2'], 'port' => $secrets['MEMCACHE']['PORT2'], 'weight' => 100];

return [
    'default' => 'memcached',
    'stores' => [
        'memcached' => [
            'driver'  => 'memcached',
            'servers' => $servers

Object Storage

You most likely require a storage, for user uploads or content generated by your editors - or any other runtime data your App creates. Please don't store those files on the local file system as it is ephemeral. Use our Object Storage Component for uploads and static files instead. Once you have booked the Component in the Dashboard the credentials will automatically become available via the App secrets.

October comes already with Flysystem support. Flysystem abstracts the filesystem layer nicely and allows you to simply switch out the adapter. Continue by installing the AWS S3 adapter:

$ composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v2

When that is done create the file config/prod/filesystems.php to configure an "S3 disk":

$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);

return [
    'default' => 's3',
    'cloud'   => 's3',
    'disks'   => [
        's3'  => [
            'driver'   => 's3',
            'key'      => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['KEY'],
            'secret'   => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SECRET'],
            'region'   => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['REGION'],
            'bucket'   => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['BUCKET'],
            'base_url' => 'https://'. $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SERVER']

To use the just configured disk in October you need to create config/prod/cms.php containing:

$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);

return [
    'storage' => [
        'uploads' => [
            'disk'   => 's3',
            'folder' => 'uploads',
            'path'   => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SERVER']. '/uploads',
        'media' => [
            'disk'   => 's3',
            'folder' => 'media',
            'path'   => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SERVER']. '/media',

Initial deploy

If your local app directory is not already Git controlled it's time to make it so:

$ git init .

Once that's done, edit the contents of the .gitignore and remove (or comment out) composer.lock:

#composer.lock             << commented out

# for netbeans

Back in the terminal:

# Add everything to Git
$ git add -A

# Make an initial commit
$ git commit -m 'Initial'

# Add your App's remote Git repo
$ git remote add fortrabbit {{ssh-user}}@deploy.{{region}}.frbit.com:{{app-name}}.git

# Push to deploy
$ git push -u fortrabbit main

Your first deploy takes a long time, because all composer packages need to be installed. Subsequent deployments won't need to do that and will be much faster.

Setup database

Now that your code is pushed and all config files are created the last step is to setup your App's database. You can do so by executing a SSH remote command:

# Run artisan command via SSH remote execution:
$ ssh {{ssh-user}}@deploy.{{region}}.frbit.com php artisan october:up

When it is done you can visit your App URL in the browser:


Install plugin

You should first install the plugin locally, then in your fortrabbit App:

# install locally
php artisan --env=dev plugin:install Vendor.Name

# install on fortrabbit
ssh {{ssh-user}}@deploy.{{region}}.frbit.com php artisan plugin:install Vendor.Name

Now add all to Git, commit and push:

$ git add -A
$ git commit -m 'Plugin installed'
$ git push

Once that's done login to your October backend and configure your plugin as usual.


If you plan on using scheduled jobs then you can configure a new Cron Job in the fortrabbit Dashboard > {{app-name}} > Worker > Add a new Cron Job and enter:

  • Name: scheduler
  • Command: artisan schedule:run
  • Interval: every minute

For this, you need to book the Worker Component for your App.


Thumbnails are not visible

October currently does not support rendering thumbnails from the cloud storage. When using the October's Media browser you can double-click on an image which forces October to use the original image (from the Object Storage) and not the (missing) local thumbnail.

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