What is what on fortrabbit?
You'll find many capitalized words in these docs. These words refer to fortrabbit "creations". This list shall give you an overview:
- App: a virtual instance for your PHP application
- App Secrets: a way to store confidential credentials
- App URL: a unique default URL each App has: appname.frb.io
- Account: a Dashboard profile / login
- Admin: a team member role within the Dashboard
- Activities: a history log in the Dashboard
- Billing Contact: payment and billing group for Apps
- Company: collaboration group
- Component: a service that can individually be booked and scaled (Professional App)
- Dashboard: the master control panel: dashboard.fortrabbit.com
- App Collaborator: a team member role within the Dashboard
- Node: a lightweight virtual container for a specific service
- Owner: a team member role within the Dashboard
- Worker: an optional Component (Professional App)
- PHP request: a single call for a PHP file
- Development level: a scaling extension for small Apps and staging (Professional App)
- Production level: a scaling extension state safe for live Apps (Professional App)
- Dedicated level: a scaling extension state for big Apps (Professional App)