Working for a client

fortrabbit is designed for people like us — web devs. But in real live the 'client' is sometimes not a techie at all. So there is a way to invite and work with a passive business owner — your clients.

Use cases

  • You are a freelancer building websites › invite your clients
  • You are a developer in a digital agency › invite your boss
  │Before: You have a trial App                       │
  │                                                   │
  │                                                   │
  │ ┌────────┐            ┌─────────┐      ┌────────┐ │
  │ │ ■■  ■■ │            │         │      │ ■■  ■■ │ │
  │ │        │──access────▶   App   │      │        │ │
  │ │  ■■■■  │            │         │      │ ■■■■■■ │ │
  │ ├────────┤            └─────────┘      ├────────┤ │
  │ │  You   │                             │ Client │ │
  │ └────────┘                             └────────┘ │
  │After: You are Admin in your clients Company       │
  │                                                   │
  │                     ┌─────────┐                   │
  │                     │         │                   │
  │       ┌─────Admin───▶ Company ◀───Owner────┐      │
  │       │             │         │            │      │
  │       │             └────┬────┘            │      │
  │       │                owns                │      │
  │       │                  │                 │      │
  │  ┌────┴───┐        ┌─────▼──────┐     ┌────┴───┐  │
  │  │ ■■  ■■ │        │            │     │ ■■  ■■ │  │
  │  │        │─access─▶    App     │     │        │  │
  │  │  ■■■■  │        │            │     │ ■■■■■■ │  │
  │  ├────────┤        └────────────┘     ├────────┤  │
  │  │  You   │                           │ Client │  │
  │  └────────┘                           └────────┘  │

Inviting a client

  1. Login to the fortrabbit Dashboard
  2. Make sure you have set up your first/last name in the Dashboard
  3. Click on "Invite a client"
  4. Follow the steps to send an invitation
  5. Your client will receive the payment request
  6. Your client will sign-up (or login)
  7. Your client will complete the billing
  8. You are now Admin of your clients Company

Your client will not be bothered with setting up SSH keys, nor will hir receive geeky newsletters. The client can login to the Dashboard to manage billing and team.

The 35 seconds video

In this video you see how both sides of the invite look like. What you need to do, and what your client will see.

Invitation details

Client invitation also works with Apps in trial mode. This is super handy, as you don't need to enter your personal billing data at all. Mind that all client invites expire after a short time frame.

Working for the client

As an Admin you will see the App your client in the Dashboard. You can of course access code and change settings and scaling in the Dashboard. You can also book additional Apps on behalf of the clients Company and invite others.

Quitting the client relation

  1. In the Dashboard
  2. Go to the Company of your client
  3. Click on "Leave Company"
  4. Read and confirm

The client can also dismiss you of your access role within hir Company.

Alternative work-flows

You manage the clients business

  1. Login to the Dashboard
  2. Click on "Set up a new Company" and follows the steps
  3. Use the billing information provided by your client
  4. Changes the "Invoice e-mail" address to the client e-mail

This work-flow is faster and does not involve any interaction from the client at all. It is however not so clean as the the developer needs to have access to confidential credit card information.

Changing ownership of Apps

Beside inviting a client you can also "transfer ownership". Here is the difference between the two workflows:

  • With "transfer ownership" you can move an App from one Company to another. You already need to be Owner of both Companies to do that.
  • With "invite client" you can ask someone to take over ownership of an App. You will become Admin for the new Company then.

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