Frequently asked questions on our support

Here are are some common questions and answers on our terms of service.

How can I open a ticket?

To start a conversation, open the chat bubble on the bottom right corner. Signed-in users are automatically registered and can submit new tickets and view history on previously opened tickets.

When will I get an answer?

We will answer as soon as possible. The median response time has been around 50 minutes, historically. The median time to close was around 4 hours. That means that, sometimes we chat, sometimes answers are delayed.

What is median answer time?

Median is similar to average, see the Wikipedia definition. Sometimes we answer quickly, sometimes it can take a while.

Can you help me migration my websites over?

We don't provide assisted migration from third party service, because fortrabbit is a self-service aimed at developers. Unless you have the necessary skills to deploy and maintain a website, you will need a developer to handle your website on fortrabbit. However, we are always happy to help with specific technical questions on the matter. There is also a detailed migration guide which you may find useful.Doing the migration on your own helps you understanding how deployment works here.

What if we will have a traffic spike event?

We might be able to prepare that with you. Please let us know a few days in advance.

What if I have an urgent question?

The scope of our support covers primarily helping with deployment of the code and configuring your Apps. Mind that we are also monitoring our systems for general issues. The few urgent cases we do see are usually connected to human errors when clients accidentally mess up or delete things. We have priority criteria policies, meaning that urgent and important cases will be answered first.

What if I miss the answer?

That usually doesn't happen. You will get the answer by e-mail, when you are away. You can also answer on that e-mail or jump back into chat at any time. It works really well.

Do you offer premium support?

Kind of. We have Company plans for enhanced collaboration features and better support. Clients with company plans enabled will get on the important list. We will take more time to answer tickets and will look deeper.

What other support channels do you offer?

Sorry, no telephone support hotline here, but you can call our office and we will likely answer the phone. fortrabbit limits the general support to online communication. It allows us to keep the pricing down, while maintaining a feature-rich application. It also helps us gathering details and other information for effective troubleshooting. A lot of our support involves pointing to relevant help articles, we feel this is easier to do in written form. The support cases are often technical in nature, requiring escalation to 2nd level support. We rely on the conversation prior to escalation to provide the basis for further troubleshooting and support.

Do you offer 24/7 support?

We don't offer 24/7 support, please see above to understand why.

Where can I send feedback?

We like to hear your ideas! You can submit feedback via the same support bubble on our website.

Can you support me with that obscure software I am using?

Perhaps not, please see our software support levels document to find which software we can support.

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