Object Storage
How to work with files that are not part of your code base.
Back in the day you had persistent storage with your local file system on the web server. This allowed you to upload an image - or any other static asset - directly to the server so that it would be served from there, linked like so: uploads/photo.jpg
. With modern cloud 12-factor-app based Infrastructures this is different:
fortrabbit Apps have an ephemeral file system. This means that all changes to the local file system will be undone with each deploy. So, each time you git push
a completely new package will be deployed, replacing everything else on the Node.
Imagine you have a CMS and you are uploading images. Next time you push some changes, those images will be gone.
┌────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐
│ │ │ │
│ ├────────link─────────▶ Object Storage │
┌─────────┐ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ Visitor ├────▶ HTML content │ ┌───────┐ │ ┌───────┐┌────────┐ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │.min.js││.min.css│ │
└─────────┘ │ ◀──┤ App ├────S3────▶ └───────┘└────────┘ │
│ │ │ │ │ ┌─────┐┌─────┐┌─────┐ │
│ │ └───────┘ │ │.jpg ││.png ││.mp4 │ │
│ │ │ └─────┘└─────┘└─────┘ │
└────────────────┘ └───────────▲───────────┘
S3 protocol
│ │
│ Developer │
│ │
So you need a place to store stuff you'd like to keep, something like https://{{app-name}}.objects.frb.io/uploads/photo.jpg
. And apart from that you might also want to …
- separate content and code to make your App resilient
- keep your Git clean and lean to keep deployments fast
- separate HTTP and PHP requests to increase performance
The fortrabbit Object Storage is a multi purpose solution for offshore files. You can use it to store user uploads, any files your App generates and all other static assets: logos, compressed JS and CSS... you get the gist.
To sum it up:
- Everything is public and accessible through
. - Everything in /private/… is private and only accessible if proxied through your app.
The fortrabbit Object Storage implements large parts of the AWS S3 REST API, making it compatible with most S3 clients, plugins and libraries. In fact, it stores all objects in the highly available and endlessly scalable S3 space.
For now we don't support preSignedRequest
which allows you to upload to S3 without proxying. If your users need to upload a file on your storage or need to access a private file, the request needs to go through your app.
Booking & scaling
The Object Storage is available as a core App Component. It is completely optional and it comes in different sizes. You can scale it up and down any time without downtimes from the Dashboard.
The Object Storage is sized in reasonable packages. Traffic is cumulated together with the total traffic of your App. See the pricing details page for up-to-date costs and package sizes.
Object Storage access
To upload files to the Object Storage you have two options:
- Programmatic — from within the App
- Manual — using a client
Once you have something up, you can view the files via HTTP in your browser.
Obtaining credentials
The App's Object Storage access details consist of: a bucket name, a server (aka: endpoint), a key and a secret. As with all credentials, these are stored with the App secrets. Enter this in your local terminal to get them:
# Read the secrets.json, show access for the App {{app-name}}
$ ssh {{ssh-user}}@deploy.{{region}}.frbit.com secrets OBJECT_STORAGE
Access credentials from code
You have two options:
Access credentials using secrets file
$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);
$credentials = [
'bucket' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['BUCKET'],
'endpoint' => 'https://'. $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SERVER'],
'key' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['KEY'],
'region' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['REGION'],
'secret' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SECRET'],
Access credentials using mapped ENV vars
$credentials = [
'bucket' => getenv('OBJECT_STORAGE_BUCKET'),
'endpoint' => 'https://'. getenv('OBJECT_STORAGE_SERVER'),
'key' => getenv('OBJECT_STORAGE_KEY'),
'region' => getenv('OBJECT_STORAGE_REGION'),
'secret' => getenv('OBJECT_STORAGE_SECRET'),
Note: The "Dynamic ENV vars" option must be enabled for the App to use ENV vars.
Programmatic upload
Your App handles user uploads or storing all other created runtime data on the Object Storage. To that purpose most modern Apps come with file system abstractions. Those allow you to easily switch out the storage layer by changing your App's configuration. How that is done depends on your framework/CMS.
See our specific guides for: Laravel, Symfony, WordPress, Craft CMS
Since we live in the Composer age most of those abstraction libraries use the AWS S3 SDK, with which our Object Storage is compatible. The most commonly used libraries are:
Flysystem by The PHP League / Frank de Jonge. Both available AWS Adapters are compatible with the Object Storage.
Flysystem V2
$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);
$credentials = [
'bucket' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['BUCKET'],
'endpoint' => 'https://'. $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SERVER'],
'key' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['KEY'],
'region' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['REGION'],
'secret' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SECRET'],
$client = Aws\S3\S3Client::factory($credentials);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\AwsS3v2\AwsS3Adapter($client, $credentials['bucket'], 'flysystem-s3-v2');
$filesystem = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);
$filesystem->put('hello', 'world...');
Flysystem V3
$secrets = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['APP_SECRETS']), true);
$credentials = [
'credentials' => [
'key' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['KEY'],
'secret' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SECRET'],
'region' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['REGION'],
'bucket' => $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['BUCKET'],
'endpoint' => 'https://'. $secrets['OBJECT_STORAGE']['SERVER'],
'version' => 'latest',
$client = Aws\S3\S3Client::factory($credentials);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter($client, $credentials['bucket'], 'flysystem-s3-v3');
$filesystem = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);
$filesystem->put('hello', 'world...');
Gaufrette is an alternative file system abstraction by KnpLabs, a bit older, but also actively maintained.
Custom PHP applications
There is an official AWS PHP SDK from Amazon you can use for your plain PHP application.
Manual upload
In some use-cases you want to upload and modify (CRUD) files manually. Also you might want to manually review the existing files in your Object Storage. You can use any S3-compatible client to upload files to the Object Storage. We recommend the following software clients:
- Cyberduck, a free cross platform GUI client
- Transmit, a GUI client for MacOs X
- s3cmd, a cross platform command line tool written in Python
In those cases S3 behaves pretty much like your good old friend FTP.
HTTP access
Once you have uploaded some files, the ultimate goal is of course to serve them to the browser. To that purpose all Apps come with an Object Storage URL in the form:
- {{app-name}}.objects.frb.io/README.md < works when Object Storage is booked
We recommend using a secured connection via HTTPS
but that is not required. Notice that the Object Storage supports HTTP/2 when using HTTPS. Most framework/CMS integrations will already rewrite the URLs in your templates with the correct URLs.
Log access
You can use the logging service to tail live logs from the Object Storage.
# Only Object Storage access log:
$ ssh {{ssh-user}}@log.{{region}}.frbit.com tail source:objects_access
# See requests when and from whom
Advanced usage
Still reading? Go on and dig into the details:
All files served from the Object Storage will be served with caching headers. Those caching headers have two effects: The client (browser) knows that it does not need to reload the files from the server, which, of course, makes things quite a bit faster. The other effect of the caching header is that the Object Storage server will cache the files as well. This might sound a bit strange on first view but the result is that not only re-visiting browsers, but also newcomers will get their files very fast, because they are read mostly from the memory of the Object Storage servers, which is extremely fast.
Not existing files (404) are also cached, but only shortly. See specs for details on default cache durations.
Manipulate cache durations
You can change the default cache duration of 24 hours in the Dashboard (Dashboard > App > Settings > Object Storage cache). If you need a finer granulation then you can simply set either of two headers: Cache-Control
or Expires
. These will then be forwarded to the browser and also define the caching time on the server.
Take care that we don't do cache purging. So when changing the cache duration, only new assets will be affected. Assets already in the cache will stay there as long as the old value is past.
Cache busting
Caching is great but if you want to make changes appear immediately you need a way around them. One approach would be to set manual caching headers with a low value, but this would just annul the positive effect of caching. So what you want to do is query string versioning, like so:
Caching works on the whole URL, including the query string. So if you change the query string you are referencing a different item, hence it's not cached. Many frameworks/CMS already do that for you, but it's easy to implement manually as well.
Resetting the secret key
If you need to change the secret key of your Object Storage: Login to the Dashboard > App > Settings > Object Storage and click on "Reset Object Storage".
Deploying static assets to the Object Storage
You usually Git push to deploy all your files. In our assets blog article we have discussed several solutions to deal with compressed front-end assets such as minified and concatenated JS and CSS — those actually should not be part of your Git. We advise excluding these files from Git, generate them locally and upload them directly from your build tool.
Webpack, Gulp, Grunt & co
You can automate the process of uploading files with a task runner or build script. You can use Gulp with an S3 plugin, such as gulp-awspublish
or gulp-S3
. Please mind to find a plugin that supports sending over the endpoint
, as standard AWS locations will not work. Plugins that are based on knox
or aws-sdk
will probably work.
Example objects.json
. Remember to replace all value with your own ones. Exclude this file from Git for security reasons.
"key": "{{app-name}}",
"secret": "your-long-object-storage-secret",
"bucket": "{{app-name}}",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"endpoint": "objects.{{region}}.frbit.com"
Example of a gulpfile.js
. Reading credentials from the json file then deploying files to the object storage via the S3 protocol.
var s3 = require("gulp-s3");
aws = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./objects.json'));
Accessing the Object Storage from another App
It's possible to access one App's Object Storage from another App or by some external website or application. The Object Storage access is not restricted to be used by the App itself.
Good to know the limits!
No PHP execution
You can upload PHP files to the Object Storage — but that will not make much sense, as those will not be executed. In fact, they will probably be displayed in plain text (depending on the Content-Type
). So, unless you want to publish it: Don't do it.
No custom domains
The Object Storage can only be accessed by HTTP(S) via the standard App name related URL. You can currently not route any custom domains. Neither you can use your own TLS (SSL) termination here.
Differences to AWS S3
The Object Storage is tightly integrated with fortrabbit. You don't need to fight with complicated IAM rules and the AWS console. Most plugins & clients will work out of the box. Please keep in mind that the domain is always tied to our fortrabbit App: AWS domains will not work for upload or HTTP access. The Object Storage supports both AWS v4 signatures and old AWS S3 signatures.
No multi-part upload
In some cases, very big uploads (500 MB for example) might be need to be split into multiple parts and put together after upload again. This is called multi-part-upload. This can be done by your plugin or client — mostly in the background. Please bear in mind that the fortrabbit Object Storage currently does not support multi-part uploading.
Advanced S3 REST API
The following bucket or object actions are currently not supported - but will reply with a dummy-OK message, to not break clients: ACL, CORS, Lifecycle, Policy, Replication, Tagging, Website, Logging, Notification, RequestPayment, Versioning.
CORS is partially supported: CORS rules will be not be accepted but a default CORS rules, which accepts all, is active.
The private folder
At the root level of your Object Storage you'll find a folder called private
. This folder is special, as you can not access any of its contents by HTTP (via the browser). You can only do so via PHP. Hence: You can use it for anything you want to store, but not to publish.
Data center location
The location of the Object Storage will match the App's location. So if you choose your App to be hosted in US, the files in your Object Storage will be there as well. We have ideas to extend the Object Storage with CDN functionality (think CloudFront).
File size limit
The Object Storage is laid out to handle lots of small to medium sized files, not very large files, like videos. Please see our specs table for current limitations.
Number of files
Currently, the Object Storage only supports a listing for limited number of files per directory. As a workaround, you can spread them over multiple folders. Please see our specs table for current limitations.
No directory listings
As with S3 it is not possible to list directories. You can place an index.html
file containing your custom listing.
No custom error pages
It's not possible to define custom 404 pages matching your own design.
Case sensitivity
As with S3, the Object Storage is case sensitive. So you can upload file
and FILE
in the same folder. Also there is a difference between https://{{app-name}}.objects.frb.io/file
and https://{{app-name}}.objects.frb.io/FILE
Exceeding the quota
Please bear in mind that in alignment with all the other App Components the Object Storage will not be upgraded automatically: when you exceed the Object Storage quota you simply cannot upload more files and need to scale the component in the Dashboard. Again: No downtime, whatsoever.
The use of the Object Storage is optional, you might not need it or you can use AWS S3, or Rackspace Cloud Files or the like. You could probably also have a look at image transformation services, which will render images in any possible format/compression and size.