Get ready
So you are about to get started with your first fortrabbit App. This short guide makes sure that everything is ready to start with one of our install guides.
Create an App
We assume you've already created an App with fortrabbit. If not: Do so in the fortrabbit Dashboard. When you have your App ready at fortrabbit and you are currently logged in the Dashboard, the help pages here will show you live code examples matching the settings for your individual App, so you can easily copy/paste them.
Choose your software
While creating the App we are showing you a list of popular frameworks and CMS, this is called the Software Preset. Choose the one you want, or any PHP App. That will pre-configure the fortrabbit App, but not install any software. You can change that later on.
Run a local web server with PHP
You have a PHP development environment with Apache, MySQL, PHP and Git setup and running on your local machine, haven't you? This is crucial, we advice to have a local development environment for all kind of projects. All install guides are written with a local development environment in mind. Find more details on how to do that in our local development guide.